What's new at the Members?


Front loaders – new products in the offer of Metal-Plast

Metal-Plast Polska Sp. z o.o. Sp.k. is a modern company specializing in the production of agricultural, industrial and municipal equipment. It is located in north-eastern Poland in the village of Brzozie Lubawskie. It operates not only on the local market but also throughout the European Union. 15 years in the industry allowed the company to specialize in its field, develop and as a result build a regular customers base.

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Krukowiak number 1 in RDP 2014-2020

In the 5/2021 issue of the ATR Express journal, an article appeared in which Dr. Aleksander Muzalewski conducted an analysis of the sale of sprayers under RDP 2014-2020, which shows that Kujawska Fabryka Maszyn Rolniczych “Krukowiak” outclasses the Polish and Western competition, being number 1 in the sale of sprayers in Poland.

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SIPMA – spreaders test

The precision of sowing in fertilizer spreaders is one of the most important characteristics of this product, but nowhere can we find the results of comparative studies on the uniformity of sowing. With unique possibilities in the form of a professional seeding hall (and the only in Poland), SIPMA decided to conduct such research in Lublin, and also to show how one of the company’s products – fertilizer spreaders – has been developing over the years.

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The AMAZONE Group continues to grow rapidly

The number of employees during the year was stable and currently amounts to approximately 1,900 employees worldwide. Despite a worse business environment as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, the Amazone group completed important investment projects as planned last year.

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A Big Success for the 20th Edition of the JOSKIN Pro Days!

Rok 2021 rozpoczął się tradycyjnymi dniami otwartymi firmy JOSKIN, które miały na celu zapoznanie szerokiej publiczności ze sprzętem w ofercie marki i z kulisami procesu jego produkcji. Obowiązują ograniczenia sanitarne, a zatem w tym roku impreza miała całkowicie odmienny charakter, gdyż firma zdecydowała, że odbędzie się w 100% frowo. A jaki był efekt?

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Franz Grimme celebrates his 75th birthday on 3 March.

Franz Grimme, honorowy obywatel miasta Damme i właściciel grupy GRIMME, 3 marca tego roku obchodzi swoje 75 urodziny. W 1970 roku, w wieku 24 lat, po ukończeniu studiów na kierunku mechaniki i budowy maszyn, a także ekonomiki przedsiębiorstw w Kolonii i w Pforzheim, Franz Grimme przejął funkcje w firmie GRIMME. Odtąd wspólnie z ojcem prowadził interesy rodzinnego przedsiębiorstwa.

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Santander Bank Polska offers a new dimension of support for international trade.

As part of the Trade Club Alliance – a joint project of 13 different global banks, Santander Bank has created the Santander Trade Portal platform that supports companies in foreign trade. The platform covers global trade corridors and supports the activities of many companies around the world. It is also a great opportunity for international cooperation for companies associated in the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities.

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