Prohibition of trade on Sunday – proposals of the Chamber
W dniach 11-12 października w Sejmie RP odbyło się spotkanie Podkomisji Stałej ds. Rynku Pracy, która pracuje nad projektem ustawy ograniczającej handel w niedzielę.
W dniach 11-12 października w Sejmie RP odbyło się spotkanie Podkomisji Stałej ds. Rynku Pracy, która pracuje nad projektem ustawy ograniczającej handel w niedzielę.
On 6-7 October, another CLIMMAR Congress was held – an international organization of which the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities is a part.
During this year’s AGRO SHOW, the During this year’s AGRO SHOW, the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities organized two thematic debates on agricultural issues. Links to debates are available after expanding this information.
During this year’s AGRO SHOW 2017, were organized finals of competitions organized by the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Machinery and Agricultural Equipment: Medal-worthy Mechanic, Medal-worthy Young Mechanic. There were also announced winners of the “Service on Medal” competition.
The nineteenth edition of the International Agricultural Exhibition AGRO SHOW is now behind us. The event, organised by the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Agricultural Machines and Facilities, was held on September 22–25, 2017 in Bednary near Poznan (Pobiedziska commune).
During this year’s AGRO SHOW, on the first day of Friday 22nd September, the finals of the Medal-worthy Mechanic, Medal-worthy Young Mechanic will be held. On the same day, the results will be announced and awards will be made in the final of the Medal-worthy Service.
Can a ban on Sunday trading affect farmer’s work organization? It turns out that yes and that is significant. Especially in difficult seasons, when each hour in fieldwork counts. The Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities is seeking to ensure that future regulations will not hace negative influence for the branch.
It is hard to believe that in the fields, which is visible in the picture in just two weeks will be held the largest agricultural exhibition AGRO SHOW.
AGRO SHOW is the largest exhibition organized by the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities.