

Mazurskie AGRO SHOW 2018 – summary of the exhibition

The fourth edition of the Exhibition Agricultural Machines MAZURSKIE AGRO SHOW OSTRÓDA is over. Just as last year, this event attracted crowds of farmers from the north-eastern Poland. The Exhibition was held on February 10–11, at Expo Mazury facilities in Ostróda.

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New rules for the protection of personal data provided for by the General Regulation on Data Protection – training for PIGMiUR members

On May 25, 2018, new regulations regarding the protection of personal data will enter into force. To be well prepared for the upcoming changes in the protection of personal data introduced by the Regulation, on December 5 this year, TPolish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities organized a training for companies associated in the Chamber with the above mentioned subject.

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Catalog of Polish manufacturers

Na naszej stronie w zakładce “Współpraca międzynarodowa” wstawiliśmy katalog polskich producentów zrzeszonych w naszej Izbie. Katalog w wersji elektronicznej dostępny jest w języku polskim, angielskim i rosyjskim.

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