The mood in the agricultural machinery and equipment industry


The mood in the agricultural machinery and equipment industry. At the turn of April and May this year, the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Agricultural Machines and Facilities conducted a study on the current and expected economic situation in the industry. This is a cyclical survey repeated every six months and carried out since June 2014. Its effect is a numerical value – an index that illustrates the mood prevailing in the agricultural industry (agricultural machinery and equipment) among entrepreneurs, because they are the ones who take part in the survey.

The index value still remains at a low level of below -3 points, although for the first time since March 2021 we have recorded an increase in its value. The increase is small, by 0.45 points to -3.28, but perhaps this is the first forecast of better moods among entrepreneurs. For now, the negative value means that negative moods and pessimistic predictions of the future still dominate among entrepreneurs.