During this year’s AGRO SHOW, the During this year’s AGRO SHOW, the Polish Chamber of Commerce of Agricultural Machines and Facilities organized two thematic debates on agricultural issues. Links to debates are available after expanding this information.
The first debate took place on Saturday, September 23, entitled: “Modernisation of farms with support from the Rural Development Programme. Condition and forecasts for the market of agricultural machines and equipment.” Participants in the discussion included: ARiMR representative – Mr Sławomir Fabijański, Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Centre representative – Mr Jarosław Cieśla, vice-chairman of the Parliament Agriculture Committee, Mr Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, MP, Mr Dariusz Porzuczek from the company Wielton, and Mr Waldemar Kwiatkowski representing the counselling company Rolniczy Dom Polski. The provided information included a progress of the call for applications, number of agreements signed, amounts that had already been paid, aspects of the funding procedure that were most problematic to farmers, the effect of RDP 2014–2020 assistance on the agricultural machines and devices market, as well as machines most frequently purchased by farmers and novelties being prepared by the manufacturers.
A video of the debate can be found here.
The second debate, “Agricultural insurance system – advantages and losses? Expectations of farmers and interests of insurance companies” was held on Sunday, September 24, with participation of: Ms Lucyna Grudzień-Kozaczka from the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Centre, Mr Wiktor Szmulewicz, president of the National Council of Agricultural Chambers, and Mr Andrzej Janc representing the Polish Chamber of Insurance. The discussion focused, amongst the others, on recent changes in the insurance system, its effectiveness, and proposed changes in the future. The entire Agro Debates were filmed, and soon they will be available at the Chamber’s website.
A video of the debate can be found here.