Spring agrotronics workshops


On April 11-12 this year. The Polish Chamber of Commerce for Agricultural Machines and Facilities, together with the National Center for Agricultural Education and the School Complex of the Agricultural Education Center in Zduńskie Dąbrowa, conducted the 2nd edition of workshops for teachers of vocational subjects under the name “Spring workshops in agrotronics”.

This year’s theme of the workshops was: “Application of precision farming solutions in agricultural production.

This is a cyclical event that fits perfectly into the statutory activities of the Chamber. Agricultural education, training of students and teachers is one of the basic tasks carried out by the Chamber.

During two days of workshops, 84 teachers from schools from all over Poland took part in 7 practical tasks.

The report that appeared in AGRO Biznes on TVP1 (April 11 this year) is below.

We encourage you to watch it. https://agrobiznes.tvp.pl/76578916/12042024-1210